Gifts to Girls Who Lift contribute to...
The student organization Girls Who Lift is creating a community of female lifters on the University of Wyoming campus.
We are a brand new club, and we want to get the ball rolling in the best way possible. Our goal is to have fun prizes for our amazing participants, and we would also like to have guest speakers to give us more insight into topics relating to health and wellness.
Thank you for your donation! We are so excited to get our club started and to hopefully see a lot more women lifting weights with us on campus soon!
820 days ago by Lily Feist
View All DonorsMost Recent Donors
Taylor Dowlin & Michael Dowlin
Kevin Bretting
Kairstyn Holden & Kairstyn Holden
Jennifer Holden & John
Gilbert Falcon
Nancy Brizuela & Gordon Bryson
UW Foundation Board
Kent and Susan Westedt
College of Business Donors
Jill and Jim Anderson
John P. Ellbogen Foundation, Scarlett Family Foundation, ATBS/American Truck Business Services, UniWyo Federal Credit Union, and an Anonymous Donor
Distinguished alumni and loyal Debate Team supporters
Wyoming Arts Council, Wyoming Cultural Trust, and the Wyoming Community Foundation
President Seidel's UW Faculty/Staff Match
The Family of Neil. D. MacKay