We invite you to support a UW RSO with international impact!
Engineers Without Borders University of Wyoming Chapter is a Recognized Student Organization affiliated with the national nonprofit Engineers Without Borders. Our mission is to strive for international sustainability through helping countries in need by providing clean drinking and other services.
We provide:
- a platform for engineering students to enhance their knowledge of international work and develop a respect for humanity across the planet,
- networking among engineering students and working professionals in order to formulate solutions to problems in communities where a viable standard of living has not been established,
- an understanding of the importance of international citizenship and the importance of nonprofit work,
- professional contacts in the international community who are interested in the design and implementation of projects that help improve the standard of living of people around the globe,
- an international engineering educational experience through engineering projects, and
- an opportunity to help design and construct a system that will improve the living conditions in a particular community.
Engineers Without Borders UW currently has a project to provide clean water to the Natividad de Maria de La Reforma community of approximately 100 households in Guatemala. We are in the design phase and will implement the project in the upcoming year. We already have an account that pays for our team's travel for the project. Your generous donations will fund the actual construction of the project, which will provide clean water to this community.
Thank you for supporting EWB UW!