Consider supporting the much-needed student survivor emergency fund.
Why do survivors of sexual assault, relationship abuse, and stalking need an emergency fund? While the Dean of Students Office helps survivors navigate supportive resources on- and off-campus, these experiences can lead to unforeseen financial burdens not covered by the university.
- Nearly 20% percent of UW students report experiencing sexual assault while at UW. Sexual assault survivors may have unanticipated medical expenses, including medications and services not covered by insurance and not provided by Student Health. They may need help covering the costs of new bedding, clothes, medication, or counseling services.
- Relationship abuse survivors may need help with a security deposit or application fee to move out of an abusive living situation and into a new home.
- Stalking survivors may need support to increase personal security, like installing door security cameras or accessing technical assistance
received funding for a ring doorbell to attend to her ongoing safety concerns related to domestic violence and stalking. She shared, “I am so grateful to have financial aid available for my personal safety. I used the funds to purchase a ring doorbell. Knowing that I am safer in my home frees up my emotional energy so that I can better focus on my studies. I am thankful to have assistance in maintaining my well-being, my personal and my academic well-being.”
Additionally, from fall 2018 to spring 2019, the Dean of Students Office assisted a student who was in a physically abusive relationship. Part of this assistance included moving her out of the apartment she shared with the abuser and into a safe place while a student conduct and criminal process ensued. The emergency fund helped cover the cost of a few months of her rent. This student then had 6 consecutive semesters of a 4.0 GPA and graduated with a 3.4 GPA—she had a 2.0 prior to support from this fund and of the Dean of Students Office.
We hope that you will join us in giving to this emergency fund and help remove one of the many obstacles that survivors face on their path to recovery and to assist them in their persistence to graduation. We so much appreciate your support!